Friday, November 27, 2009

My dog and her shoes what a day!

Hello to A/all
I hope everyone had a good turkey day. We went to see my folks and spend the day with them and to give thanks for all we have.

Well I guess I should have thought and brought my little dog along with us? You see with the way things are around here I am in and out all hours of the day. Generally one of the kids are here when I am not or they will be here shortly from the time I leave. So you see there is very little time for the little guy to get overly restless and due something he knows he will surely get in trouble for.

Well we went and had a great time yesterday we came home and continued to have a great time.Hell I had been walking around with a massive hard on dam near the whole time we where there due to the fact I knew what butterfly had on under her cloths. So when we got home we both went to the bedroom to change into cloths that would let us relax and really feel how full we really where. I am not sure how we both ended up in the bathroom but we did and one thing lead to another and before you could think twice I had butterfly bent over the counter and was very much pleased to see her tits slapping the counter as I pounded away.

Ok well back to the rest of the day lol. So we sat around watching tv and some time in the morning hours we went to bed. So I get up butterfly gets up we have coffee and I am thinking dam I want to find time some where in the day today to have a repeat of last night.

So as you may or may not know I DO NOT LIKE TO MAKE PLANS!!! Why? The reason is due to if we plan it something will screw it up. Can you see where this is going? Yes I had it all "PLANED" and was just getting ready to execute said "PLAN" and here come butterfly around the corner in tears saying something so messed up I have no clue what the hell is going on.

I am able to make out it has something to do with my little dog and her shoes.So I am thinking do I get up and go see how bad this is or just sit let her calm down and then see how bad things really are? Yep I chose to just sit tight and ride this one out knowing no matter what I had to say at this point and time would not matter.

So as I have sat here thinking most all day as this happened fairly early. I realize the feelings butterfly is having she has all rights to feel. Now will there be anything I can say at this point and time that will make things all better? Not a chance. Will the shoes be able to be saved?

Now comes what to do about my little buddy?Should I whip his ass? make him stay outside all day? lock him up in the bathroom? What should I do about his actions? well not much I can do at this point and time as due to the fact I did not catch him in the act of doing so. Now I will put him in his kennel the NEXT TIME we leave the house. But really what can you do to make him realize he has screwed up and bad? When as much time that had already past.

Well folks I don't have the answers to this. I am not happy about this nor am I trying to make a funny out of this happening. I do realize butterfly is upset still about this upset enough she blogged about her shoes.

I wrote this just to put my thoughts down and try to see if I could find a happy medium some where in the middle. I think I need to look at this as a parent trying to understand why kids do the things they do and see if any of this makes any more sense from that point of view.

I need to find some way to expand our closet and put a door on it where butterfly can have her shoes at her ready and the dog can't gain entery to them. As of right now I am out of ideas the only thought at this point and time is I am ready for things to get back to normal around here.

I have some other thoughts that I will write about another time for now I sit and study.
Master JB

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm back from our summer time off.

Hello to A/all

As some of you who follow butterfly know it has been a really rough summer for us both.

With Summer time brings the kids being home dam near 24/7.

One which just finished high school and has no idea what direction to go.(meaning join the work force or go to collage?)

The other who has nothing to do but wait for school to start back.(this one hates to take summer break from school)

Did I mention both of them are teenagers and at each other throats dam near on a daily basis.

But to update everyone butterfly has been a good girl for the most part even with us having to slow things down do to summer.

I must say we both have done really well living a vanilla lifestyle. But truth be told I don't know if either of us could have kept our sanity much longer if it was not for school starting back in the morning.

On a funny note next summer I will have a power pole installed in the back yard so we can have power going to the travel trailer.If nothing else we can have a couple hours a week in private.
Master JB

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just Rambling

Hello to everyone
                                I know it has been a good while since I have posted. Well I have been busy and when I say busy I mean BUSY. I have butterfly's mother coming down in two weeks to visit and we have a mess around here due to the storm we had several months back.

Tree limbs piled up waiting to be burned. I am in the process of tearing the front porch off due to storm damage.Privacy fence being taken down and relocated to block off one of our very trashy neighbors behind us and to also block off who knows what kinda neighbors that just bought the lot directly behind us.

Yes you could say I am busier than a three legged cat trying to take a shit on a hot tin roof
OK I was going to write more about my thoughts on butterfly's blog but I changed my mind.

Due to the fact that it is getting hot outside already and the clock is ticking lol.
To all that read my blog thank you for stopping in.I know I don't post a blog near as much as some do but I don't always feel I have anything to share.
                                                                                                     Master JB

Saturday, May 9, 2009

To: Mother's & Mother's to be :)

I just wanted to wish each and every Mother/Mother's to be 

                                                          HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY

                                                                                                                    Master JB


Friday, May 8, 2009

OMG here we go again

Hello to all
                   forgive me for any miss spellings I am fucking pissed. Butterfly's step mom had the balls if you will to call her at work and tel her she found the answer to a question she ask two fucking weeks ago.
Yes i am serious as a fucking heart attak. As yall may know it came up during their ladies day out about our girl child being gay this has been known for some time now.
Well it seems that the step mom just cant let it go write it off and learn to deal with it so every chance she gets she makes a stab at butterfly about it.(this has been going on before I came into the picture.)
Anyway two weeks ago they where having lunch and sure as shit step mom brings up the topic of girl child being gay and going to burn in hell yada yada yada.
So very sarcasticly butterfly says ''Do you really think that?'' and ''Just stop right now I don't want to discuss my child and where she will spend eternity".
So she stoped and then ten mins or so later here she comes again talking about it butterfly was fucking pissed.She came home all upset crying litterly made her fucking sick. She was just now getting over all of this and then comes a phone call.
For what ever stupid fucking reason the step mom calls her at work(a place butterfly can not raise her voice or give her real feelings) and says she found out the answer to the question she ask on there last lunchin.
So butterfly not thinking about it ask what was that and OMG here we go again.
The stupid step mom finally says well I was calling to see if you wanted to go to lunch tomrrow but I guess it is a good thing I did not.
WOW what the fuck how in the world did you come up with that idea so fast? I told butterly that woman is fucking EVIL period.
Ok I am off of here so when butterfly gets home I can be calm cool and have a shoulder for her to lean on.
Thank you all who bother to read this. If you dont I would understand.
                                                                                                                             Master JB

Sunday, April 26, 2009

You cant fix stupid/ old people suck some times

Hello everyone

Well if you read my slaves blog then you can see how her "day out" went with her step mom.

I would say like shit and that is really sad.

Where the fuck does her step mom get off having the ideas of bombing gay people?

And just female gays at that!

Knowing our daughter is gay.

I have heard some really weird shit in my time but this take the cake.

Is listening to radio talk shows and watching every fucking news channel that cable TV has to offer turn old people to hate everything and everyone they are not?

Dam can growing fucking old and wishing you would have had a more interesting life make you this fucking bitter?

In the words of a very famous comedian Ron White said and I quote "YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID" cause ''STUPID IS FOREVER''.
Master JB

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I offer a sincere apology to A/all

Hello to everyone

I recently posted a blog about something that I had read that really bothered me.

Well some where along the way a few people took what I was trying to say as I was passing JUDGEMENT. In no shape,form or fashion was I trying to do that.

I wanted to write this to try and clear the air with some who have commented and some who posted blogs thinking I might have been referring to them.

The point of my blog was questioning why a person would offer this kinda advise?Make the kinda comments made? or tell them things that will encourage them to just turn and walk away?

Why not offer words of encouragement or some positive advise?

So with that said and hopefully explained a little better?

If my post that was titled "live it before you try to teach it" has offended anyone or made them feel I was speaking about them directly. I offer you a sincere apology my words where not meant to hurt or piss anyone off.
Master JB

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Hello everyone
I read a blog this morning that really did not set well with me.
Let me get right to the point here. I read a blog about this slave who is what I like to call a "weekender" kinda slave. No I am not trying to belittle anyone I realize long distance relationship do exist.
(I am just making the point of if your not 24/7 then how can you advise anyone else who is?)

So when a weekender slave writes a blog more or less telling other slaves that live a 24/7 lifestyle.
That if you struggle with your submission then maybe this lifestyle is not for you?
That if you question your M/s relationship then maybe this lifestyle is not for you?
That if you have anger towards your Master then maybe this lifestyle is not for you?
That if your selfish then maybe this lifestyle is not for you?
That if you have dissatisfaction with your Master then maybe this lifestyle is not for you?

Yes I know she has watched to much Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

Then goes on to make comments like

"Then I see some who question whether they even LIKE being a slave?"

"But when the same girls blog over and over about their problems with slavery, I would think that eventually, they will either decide they ARE or ARE NOT a slave."

" Girls, MAYBE you just like the kink? MAYBE you just like it rough from time to time? MAYBE you are not a slave?"

" And, if you are not, IT’s OKAY. Just figure it out for yourselves and stop being miserable 4 days out of 7."

" It’s my thought that most of these girls would be totally bored with just a regular “Joe blow,” and a few weeks out of their collar would cure them, one way or the other."

"If you are unhappy in your relationship, or if you don’t think it’s for you, get out.
Try that vanilla man across town, you’ll know for sure then, right?"

Hmm! folks that sure puzzles me about how a "TRUE SLAVE" could tell others to just take off your collar and go fuck good Ole Joe across town and see if that cures your problem of submission.

I think maybe this weekend slave should think about what it means to be a slave vs being a vanilla wife/girl friend who gets horny and drives across town to fuck good Ole Joe when her Ole man is out of town.

Most all of the blogs I read the slaves are married to their Masters. My point being that this so called slave is telling others to just go out and throw away everything they have worked for.

Now I don't know how everyone else feels but I don't think fucking the guy or girl across town is going to strengthen your submission to your Master?

I realize we are all different and we are all at different levels in this lifestyle. What I choose to do to my slave,what I allow my slave to do or not do will at times if not always differ from other Masters. I have in the past read and implemented some ideas from other Masters in our day to day relationship as Master/slave.

I have even offered advise to others that is one of the wonderful things about being able to blog with others in this lifestyle.But when a weekend slave starts to sit and judge other slaves and belittle them when she does not even live a 24/7 M/s lifestyle but proclaims she is dam near the perfect slave.

Give me a fucking break I have yet to see a perfect Master or a perfect slave.Why? because we are all human and we all make mistakes. The important thing is we must learn from those mistakes to ever have a chance to achieve being perfect.

These are my thoughts and I stand behind them. Thanks for taking the time to read my Opinions.
Master JB

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just a quik update

Hello everyone
I know I am one of the worst ones for keeping everyone up to date.
Well as some of you know I quit my old job just over two weeks ago and it still feels like the right thing to do. Well the good news was I quit that job on a Wednesday the following Monday I got a phone call to start a new job with great pay, working Mon-Fri what else could I ask for? Well I would say for the job to have lasted more than a week lol yep I got laid off. It is a long story but my boss did say hey you got my number keep in touch and soon as work picks up he would like to have me back. Well I am planing on taking a week or so off and then if he needs someone fine if not it's on down the road I go looking.

Well butterfly is really doing good here lately we have been talking more and more and I think her biggest problem is she needs more discipline which for her equals security. I started seeing that the more I continuied giving her mantainice spankings the better she acts.

The other day she said Sir our contract is about to expire. I said well when it does we are going to be updating several little things. Well this kinda made her worry just a bit so I put her mind to rest when I told her the things changing where not major changes but she would not be getting away with some of the things she has been allowed to during this period of the contract.

Well I realize this is not a big update but I need to get back to working on butterfly's new rules list. She is excited as well as nervous about what all will change and what her punishments will be for not following the rules.
Master JB

Monday, March 23, 2009

Well it's back to work for me

Hello everyone
Just thought I would let those who read my blogs know. I got the call today around 4pm. I start my new job in the morning. Yep I quit my old job of a year and a half last Wednesday and starting my new job less than a week later. I told butterfly and she is happy but sad lol she sure thought the honey do list was finally going to get worked on lol. Oh well now I will get every weekend off so I will slowly get some of it done while she does her thing around here on the weekends. Have a good day to all I will let everyone know how the first day goes.
Master JB

Friday, March 20, 2009

Would it really matter if someone else said it???

Hello everyone

I am so dam sick and tired of hearing all these people BITCHING about our president.(every little thing he does, every little thing he says etc etc)

I mean really folks lets stop and think here just a min.

1. He ran for office and was elected. So what is the big deal?

I did not vote for him and I openly admit it. But he did win the election and like it or not he is my president for the next four years. Like it or not.

2. Is it because he did what ever other one before him has done? (talked a good talk knowing there is no way to keep his election promises?)

I do believe that every last one of them are crooked as a snake. I believe they would lie to your face as well as lie under oath to the people of this great country. With that said he has not done anything any other president has not done to be elected.

3. Or is it the fact that he is black?

Lets just stop and really ask ourselves would it change anything if he was a white man? Oh many will say no no it would be the same. But do you really believe that? (This is for you to decide in your mind.)

4. Could it be that he went on a talk show and made a bad choice of wording something?

Folks I did not see the show but that seems to be all I am hearing about that he made a poor choice of words and refered to special olympics. (NEWS UPDATE - he is a human and humans make mistakes)

I realize there are those of you who do not like having a black man as president of this country.

I am sorry for the fact that your so narrow minded. What will you do when we have a Chinese man running for office? or a Mexican man running for office?

Sure as I have said before I think he lied about as much as bill and Monica did. OK OK maybe not that much but my point is when you got that kinda money and your running for the highest office in this country your going to tell some lies to get there.

Folks my heart goes out to special needs kids it really does. Well before I even had kids I have always put money in the cans at the little stores or stopped in where kids where doing a car wash/bake sale for special olympics and gave money and still do.

Folks I know life is not easy with a child who has special needs. But at the same time stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder waiting on someone to come along and knock it off so you can get pissed off and start jumping up and down.

So what he made a bad choice of words. Do you think he will be the last one to ever do that? would it have made any difference if it would have been Jay Leno who said it?

My point is we all have and will again use/make a bad choice of the way we word something.

What is that elementary saying? Sticks and stones my break my bones but WORDS can never hurt me! Hmm! something to think about if I say so myself.
Master JB

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Time to move on/and a special Thank You to Butterfly

Hello everyone

Well it is 11:45pm on a Wednesday night and I am sitting and thinking about 8am and the fact I am going to be unemployed.

Part of me says wait don't do it you only called in one day and said your taking a personal day.

But the other part of me say dam it man how much more of your soul can you stand to let these folks take away from you?

So with a sick feeling in my gut I plan to show up fashionably late to work in the morning walk in hand them my keys my work shirts and turn around and walk out.


For those that might be interested I will kinda fill you in on what the deal is and why it is bothering me and why it is TIME TO MOVE ON.

You see me and butterfly have been together a year and a half. I started this job two days before I got to actually meet her for the first time. I have held this job the whole time we have been together.

My point is in many of her past relationships she has had to support the man not to mention the kids have seen her do this time and time again. I would never want her or them to feel I am leaving this job just to be a dead beat.

Well today me and the boy child where outside working on the door for his room and out of the blue he ask me if I was going back to work tomorrow? I looked him right in the eyes and said son after being off four days and having time to get my thoughts straight No I am not going back.He looked back at me with a serious look on his face and said GOOD!

I thought to myself wow what a good feeling to know these kids understand what I am going through and that I have their support.

You see my days off this week was sun,mon was supposed to work tue just to turn around and be off again wen. Well yesterday I called and said I was not coming in I was taking a personal day(first time I ever used a personal day). Oh the boss was pissed he started crying well you know my father in law(the main owner) is sick and I (owners son in law)am not feeling to well myself (keep in mind he is on his day off but up at the store at 8 am?) and with you taking off that is going to run us really short handed(keep in mind it is tue. we always work with just three people on the floor)are you sure you can't come in? er um NO!

Now let me explain what I was told when I hired on. I was told you get ten sick days per year and ten personal days per year (all of these are unpaid by the way) if you happen to need to use them and you have a open day(day off) you can make up your time so you don't lose any of your hours. LMAO I have called in sick one time in a year and a half and never once was offered to let me make it up. Hmm? I smell a fucking liar( my worthless boss).

Well that is just one of the many problems at this place. The next one that chaps my ass is the way they give us our days off. The lady who makes the schedules every week has no common sense about how to do it. One week she post the schedules on a tue the next week it may be first thing Thursday morning or it may be Thursday evening late so trying to make some kinda plans with the family is next to impossible.

Oh if you think that is enough to push you to the point of telling them to fuck off just wait lol it gets better yet.See where I work they have six cashiers and they have six customer service people(that is what i am).

OK all of the cashiers rotate every other weekend off that don't sound too bad right? No not at all till you take a look at our schedules. You see the customer service people we rotate weekends alright EVERY FIFTH WEEKEND that's right you read correctly we only get every fifth weekend off that is if no one puts in a request for that weekend off which would bump you out of your turn.

Well I should say that there are five of us who have to rotate every fifth weekend. You see our manager and the top customer service guy on the schedule they also rotate weekends just like the cashiers.

Well I got to watching how things was going some time back and I said something to the other guys. They all said hey your right what gives here? I said I don't know but we all need to go to the manager at the same time and say hey man right is right and we would like to have a chance to plan things with our families too.

Well one of the guys who is a little older than me said yeah your right and I will speak up when we all go to meet with the manager. So I ask the other guys hey what do y'all think? Oh yeah we would like to have weekends off more than we do. I said OK well it takes more than just one guy with BALLS to speak up for equal treatment.Oh man they where all on board with it.

Well it seems that the top guy(managers ass kisser caught wind that he was possibly going to have to share his every other weekend off schedule if this made it to the managers Attention so next thing you know a couple of them are craw fishing on setting up a meeting with him.

Well folks I got Balls and I waited and I waited for just the right time to ask him hey what gives on this time off thing? He said whats wrong with the time? I said well nothing if your anyone of the others that get every other weekend off.

But there is five of us out of everyone that don't get every other weekend off and I feel that we should. You always talk about getting burned out/stressed out but yet you seem to have no concern about our well being.

Well his worthless reply was "well that is just how the schedule is made". I said and your the manager you can set it up where we all get some time away from this place other than one day off here or two days off during the week when our friends and family are all gone to work or school.

I could see I had him by the balls and dam if I was going to let up off of him while I finally had his ass backed up in a corner.

So I said and come to think of it I just wanted you to know I am not stupid nor have I forgot what you said when I hired in. 1. learn to cut keys 1.00 raise 2. learn to cut glass 1.00 raise 3. learn to cut and thread pipe 1.00 raise I said been doing all that for over a year now and have not seen anything after the first raise you give me. So the way I got it figured you have pasted me up twice now and I feel I am do for a annual raise on top of that.

Oh man I thought the poor bastard was about to pass out. I don't think anyone has ever had the balls to tell it like it is. (Now folks keep in mind he is my age(late 30's) not some old fart about to die)

Well he did just what I thought he would he went to trying to explain that he spends to much time in his office and not out on the floor to really see what everyone is doing and what all it is they can do or be doing to improve the store. Oh he did say that this crew of guys is one of the best crews he has ever had.(can you see him trying to blowing smoke up someones ass?)

I looked at him and utterly LOL no joke I stood there and laughed at him and said sir I strongly disagree with you on so many levels it is not even funny.Just the fact that we all come to work on our posted days to work we don't call in sick or leave early is enough to give us a annual raise if nothing else. And as far as your answer to the five of us that don't get but every fifth weekend off that sir is a lame excuse and that shows your asst. manager does not know how to make out a time sheet.

Well if you have read this far then you know I basically got the brush off of well uh I uh will uh look into it and see what we can do.

So I have decided that I am done it is time for me to move on to a job that offers some kind of benefits. Butterfly has begged me to quit for some time now. I just kept saying no not yet I think I am making head way here and if I leave who will stand up for the ones who wont or don't have the balls too?

I hope that my time there has brought these guys a little closer to becoming men and that my leaving will be a wake up call for them?

To the guys I work with I will miss each one of you. I hope that in some way I have taught you to stand up for yourselves and what is right. I wish each and everyone of you guys the very best life has to offer. I hope that one day each of you will find the courage to get away from that dark place. There is something there that utterly takes a mans soul away from him and leave him with nothing. I was very lucky to have someone as strong willed as butterfly to keep my will as strong as it stayed and for this the man could not/ did not break me or beat me down.

Butterfly I want to thank you for all the support you have given me over the last year and a half while I tried to make that little corner of the world a better place. I feel in some ways I have failed by quiting tomorrow or rather today.

I will always wonder if anything I did or said made any difference to the guys? I worry that one day they will wake up to realize the man has taken the best years of their young lives and left them with nothing and by then it will be to late to make a change.

Butterfly thank you again for being such a good slave,a wonderful mother, and a dam fine listener/advice giver to the bullshit I have crawled through in the last year.

Master JB

Working on lowering the noise level

Hello to everyone

I know it has been a few days since I have sat down to write. Well I been working around the house every time I get a day off. (well trying too) I am doing some remodeling work around the house that might explain why I have not felt like writing.

See this project kinda got put on hold for lack of funds/and just a touch of lazy to go with it lol.

Sorry let me back up just a bit and bring you up to speed. See when I bought this house it was a home that needed a handy man to finish several projects that got started but never finished. So I have been slowly getting some of the smaller projects done.

Well some of the things that where not done when butterfly came into my life was there was no bedroom door on my room the hall way just opened up into my room. Same thing with one of the bedrooms in the back of the house you had to pass through part of the bed room to get to the second bathroom and the other bedroom.

So when I ask butterfly if she wanted to move in with me she brought the kids over to take a look at my home so they could see where it was they would be moving to and kinda give them an idea of how much room they would have.

Well that all went well and we had all these ideas of adding in a wall here and a door there. Making one kids room bigger and adding on so that my other kid would have a room when she comes to stay on the weekends.

Well they got moved in and it took some time for everything to get settled in and everyone to kinda find there spot.

So we where all sitting around one night a few months after they got settled and something started the topic of the noises of our bed. Well right away I told butterfly we have got to build a wall and put in a door to close off our room so that the kids wont hear us.

So the next day I got lumber and a door and I ask the man who I bought the place from if he would help me build the wall and install the door?

Well what should have been about a three hour job it took eight hours and it seemed like anything that could go wrong on this project did.

Well after all was said and done this project kinda left me with a bad taste in my mouth and feeling a little unsure if I was ready to jump on any more big projects.

Well time kinda got away from us again and we thought summer will be here soon enough and that would give us the kinda weather we need to really get stuff done and a chance to save up a little money for the larger projects that we so need done around here.

Well the other day I was off and butterfly sent me a text saying the kids heard us again. I said do what? she said the boy child heard us last night when you where spanking me. I said well it looks like we cant wait till summer to put in his wall and door lol .So the next day off I go to the hardware store to buy lumber and a door so that we can try and muffle some more of the sounds from getting to his room.

OK the wall is built and the door is trimmed down to fit(well almost fit) but of coarse with any older home nothing is ever what it should be so I have to take the door back out side and trim it down just a bit more.

All of this will take place just as soon as it stops raining. LOL we have not had rain in two months not so much as even a grey cloud in the sky lol but you could have bet your ass pocket the day I got started on something it would rain. Lol kinda like that deal where the weather man says no rain for the next seven to ten days so you go wash your car and the next day it rains two inches lmao. Yep that is my luck

OK anyway today I am going to try and get the door trimmed down and put in and if all goes well everything will look good and work properly.

Then I can sit back pat my self on the back for a job well done and think of what to start on next. Or maybe I will think about making a nice wooden paddle out of some of the scrap lumber I have left over. Hmm!

Hope everyone is doing well I will try to do better about posting just as soon as I catch up around here lmao.
Master JB

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

POLY vs SWINGING whats your thoughts?

Hello to all
The other day this topic came back up between me and butterfly.Now before I go any further I want to set the stage so you see my point on this.

I have for long as I can remember felt that I am poly. I don't feel that this feeling comes from a fantasy or the mind set of being greedy or unhappy with butterfly nor do I feel that it matters what other alt. lifestyle you happen to be in.

I cant really explain the how or why I feel this way to where anyone else could understand unless your of the poly mind set sorta speak.

She has known from the start I feel I am poly and the topic has came up several times since we have been together.

Now the other day butterfly posted a blog about poly/swinging and that got me to really doing some thinking about what the real differances are between the two.

I think in some ways that people even myself have long associated the two as being one or the same. When in reality they are not the same(in my opinion).

I see poly as being able to love two or more and them love me and each other as equals not as top or bottom or side.

Now swinging that to me is a whole different world. You don't need love,compassion,caring,etc etc. You just need others who want to have sex.(in my opinion)

For a long time I think I came off as relating swinging/poly as one in some when the topics came up in our conversations.

But they aren't and the more I think back on our talks I can see clearly where I have made a real mess of the two. For those who are in or wanting a poly relationship I owe you an apology for not making myself clear to my butterfly.

Now I am honest enough to say yes I would enjoy seeing butterfly with another woman(hey folks i am human) and I realize that is a fantasy and one day maybe I will?

But as far as us living a poly lifestyle? I would like to try it and see if it could would work out for us.(butterfly knows this no secret there) I realize the amount of time and effort it takes or I say I do.

My next big step is to add a few blogger's to my page and follow their day in day out lifestyles and see what all similarities we have in common.Maybe learn more about why I feel I am poly minded?

I would like to meet some couples in real time and be able to ask questions about why/what was their attraction to the poly lifestyle? I have my own ideas why.But like I have said I want to talk to others who are in a poly relationship and concur my ideas and beliefs are true feeling not just fantasy's.

As I have expressed here I feel that a man or a woman can love more than one and be with more than one without jealously or fear of being replaced.That any two people can love a third. Is this true? Or is this just a fantasy? that only exist in the minds of others?I believe it to be true that three can love,live and be happy together.

When you really stop and think about it there are some many lifestyles that in some ways over lap one another so it is hard sometimes to see a clear image of what is what. This is why I thought this topic might be interesting to post here so that not only I get a more clear understanding but others may as well.

This topic is in no shape,form or fashion trying to say I am unhappy with butterfly.She is a wonderful slave to me and I would not dream of sending her away just to own anouther.I am who I am and with more time and learning I can convy my thoughts better to her with out making such a mess of things.

I welcome any and all to comment on this topic.
Master JB

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wow anouther one of those days.

Hello to all

I was off today from work and sadly butterfly was not. Well I got up had coffee got on blogger to see what all was new and catch up on some of the blogs I had gotten behind on.

Well I got on yahoo and sent butterfly a IM to see what she was doing and chatted with her for a bit about it being payday and going to pick up my check put it in the bank ect ect.

Butterfly told me she has a little over two days of vacation time she needs to use up before next month so she is going to come home at lunch time.(woo hoo more alone time for us)

Well she came home and knowing that my needs were level red she quickly got to work.Now after all was said and done and her ass was nice and red from the spanking she recieved(EG)we laid in the bed for a short time.

Well she said she was craving mexican food so I said ok lets go out for lunch but lets go some where different than our normal mexican food place.

So we did And had such a good time. Afterwards we walked around the mall holding hands and going in and out of some of the different stores.

Wow anouther one of those days you never want to end.
Master JB

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time or the lack of I should say

Hello to everyone

I have been reading several blogs the last few days. Most of which in some form or another all refer to time or the lack of I should say.

Time is a very valuable thing when you really stop and think about it.

I wish I could spend more of my time with my slave butterfly during the week.But due to our schedules we do good to see each other three hours a day during the week.

So when she had told me about a week or so ago she was going to be getting a three day weekend.I ask why? she said due to presidents day and the kids would be in school(you should have seen the grin on my face)

So the next day I filled out a request for my days off to be sun,Mon,Tue.This was on like a Tuesday and the schedule does not post till late Thursday.(another reason I hate this shit job).

Well Thursday finally got here and woo hoo I was off on the days I had ask for.(rare)

Well Sunday was good we did a little running around went and seen my folks which was good.We got to see the grand baby.(yes we are grand parents lol)

Now Monday was a real treat . Butterfly had been searching online for an adult shop that caters more to people in our lifestyle. Well hard to believe but she found one in Houston some 50 plus miles from us.Now there was no way I was going to tell her we can't go lol. I like to go and see what new fetish stuff I can find. (evil grin)

Well before we could get home we needed to make a stops wal-mart,the water company,the liquor store.

We get home supper has been cooking all day in the crock pot so we sit down and have supper with the kids.Butterfly looks over at me and says do you want to go to our room? uh em Hell yeah

Well we put in a dvd on the new dvd player I just bought and got down to trying out some of the new toys we bought.(she can share the rest on her blog if she wants too)

Today butterfly came home at lunch and we got to spend a couple more hours together before the kids got home from school.

All in all this has been a good three days off. Sad to say I have to head back to work in the morning.

Butterfly thank you for such a wonderful two and a half days. It was so much fun doing things out of our normal routine we need to start doing that more often.
Love you
Master JB

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Some really screwed up laws

Seen this on the internet and thought everyone could use a good laugh.

In Oblong, Illinois, it‘s punishable by law to make love while hunting or fishing on your wedding day.

In Minnesota, it is illegal for any man to have sexual intercourse with a live fish. (Apparently it‘s OK for woman.)

No man is allowed to make love to his wife with the smell of garlic, onions, or sardines on his breath in Alexandria, Minnesota. If his wife so requests, law mandates that he must brush his teeth.

Warn your hubby that after lovemaking in Ames, Iowa, he isn‘t allowed to take more than three gulps of beer while lying in bed with you or holding you in his arms.

Bozeman, Montana, has a law that bans all sexual activity between members of the opposite sex in the front yard of a home after sundown if they‘re nude.

In hotels in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, every room is required to have twin beds. And the beds must always be a minimum of two feet apart when a couple rents a room for only one night. And it‘s illegal to make love on the floor between the beds!

The owner of every hotel in Hastings, Nebraska, is required to provide each guest with a clean and pressed nightshirt. No couple, even if they are married, may sleep together in the nude. Nor may they have sex unless they are wearing one of these clean, white cotton nightshirts.

An ordinance in Newcastle, Wyoming, specifically bans couples from having sex while standing inside a store‘s walk-in meat freezer!

A state law in Illinois mandates that all bachelors should be called master, not mister, when addressed by their female counterparts.

In Romboch, Virginia, it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with the lights on.

In Merryville, Missouri, women are prohibited from wearing corsets because "the privilege of admiring the curvaceous, unencumbered body of a young woman should not be denied to the normal, red-blooded American male."

It‘s safe to make love while parked in Coeur d‘Alene, Idaho. Police officers aren‘t allowed to walk up and knock on the window. Any suspicious officer who thinks that sex is taking place must drive up from behind, honk his horn three times and wait approximately two minutes before getting out of his car to investigate.

A law in Helena, Montana, mandates that a woman can‘t dance on a table in a saloon or bar unless she has on at least three pounds, two ounces of clothing. (Ouch! These pasties hurt!)

Anywhere in the U.S., it‘s illegal to use any live endangered species, excepting insects, in public or private sexual displays, shows or exhibits depicting cross-species sex. (Insectophiles apparently were successful in their lobbying efforts.)

Lovers in Liberty Corner, New Jersey, should avoid satisfying their lustful urges in a parked car. If the horn accidentally sounds while they are frolicking behind the wheel, the couple can face a jail term.

In Carlsbad, New Mexico, it‘s legal for couples to have sex in a parked vehicle during their lunch break from work, as long as the car or van has drawn curtains to stop strangers from peeking in.

Women aren‘t allowed to wear patent-leather shoes in Cleveland, Ohio - a man might see the reflection of something "he oughtn‘t!"

No woman may have sex with a man while riding in an ambulance within the boundaries of Tremonton, Utah. If caught, the woman can be charged with a sexual misdemeanor and "her name is to be published in the local newspaper." The man isn‘t charged nor is his name revealed.

It is illegal for any member of the Nevada Legislature to conduct official business wearing a penis costume while the legislature is in session.

Now that is not only funny as hell but some really screwed up laws.

Twisted words? or is someone feeling left out?

Hello to all

I posted a comment on Jane's blog. I offered encouragement and said be happy no matter if your in this lifestyle or some other one.

I was informed that another blogger jumped in behind me and left a really odd and nasty comment.

Where do people get off talking down to others? You know what I read sounded like an ex smoker trying to preach about how bad smoking is for your health.

If a slave is feeling worthless then they need to really sit back and take a long hard look at what's wrong in their situation.

Is it just me or did it read like someone was basically passing judgement on others who are classified as a slave?

What does that say about Masters?

Everything I have read, and trust me I read a lot about BDSM lifestyles, is a slave is a Master's most prized possession.

We all have different way of doing things so who is right who is wrong?

Does it really matter that a Masters needs should be met first? I mean if he is taking care of his slaves needs where is there a problem?

So once again in my opinion I believe jealousy has shown its ugly head.

So one really needs to take a long hard look at what needs they have that might not be getting met before so quickly condemning others for what they choose to be or not to be.

Make no mistake about it or twist my words. To me it don't matter what you call your dynamic whether it be M/s, D/s, Daddy/girl, etc.

If your needs are not being met then take a long hard look in the mirror before passing down the ten commandments of BDSM to others.
Master JB

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Being a nudist/day dreaming

Hello everyone

I just had this random blog pop in my head while chatting with buttterfly through yahoo messenger.(she is at work and I am on anouther boring COLD day off)

OK We where chatting about we need to win the lotto. I said yes we do and if I ever did I would buy the local nudist resort.Her reply was oh so we can live apart again? I replied no I would just buy her plenty of sun screen lol.

I for a moment tried to explain the freedom that comes from being a nudist. How it makes you feel so much more down to earth and free of the daily "MASKS"(got that from kittens blog) we all have to paint on to deal with others.

Now I got in to that lifestyle about nine years ago give or take one or two lol. I have not been to the resort in over two years I can think of due to the rising cost of membership.

So one day me and my ex was siting and talking about what it would cost to put up a privacy fence in the back yard.Well I jumped on that idea with both feet. I mean really I could set up a swimming pool have all the sun I could stand with a cooler and my stereo have over our other nudist friends for some cook outs.

Well off we went to the local lumber yard to get prices on post, two by fours, fence pickets, etc.

See the whole idea was to see if we could build this fence for what a one year membership would cost us.As well as being able to enjoy it year around weather permitting.

Well it just so happened that the lumber store had the fence pickets on sale(like half price don't remember) so this allowed me to get even more than we first thought.

So now we are off and building and dam did it turn out nice. It was everything i had wanted it to be. My own private min nudist resort in the making.(I have a half acre yard)

Well time went on and we did enjoy several good days of sun and relaxing times.

But some how we never got around to adding all the extra things we wanted to. Like the wet bar,pool,hot tub,etc.

You see we split up and she moved out and moved on.(I am truly happy for her and hope that life can someday work out for her)(that is another story someday)

Well time rocked on and I still lived here alone(well with my dog) so I was still able to enjoy my freedom of being a nudist.

Well then one day I started chatting with this lady and finally got to meet her. Wow she was everything a man could ask for in a woman.(butterfly)

Well we dated for some time me living here and her living with her two kids across town. well with things like it was I still had the opportunity to sun bath on my days off and enjoy being one with nature.

Well there finally came a point and time that we both got tired of only getting to see each other for an hour or so at a time or sometimes three hours at a time on my days off.

So her and the kids moved in with me. Now after about eight months now things have finally some what settled down and all is going good.Except for one thing IT IS WINTER TIME and way too dam cold to sun bath.

Well from the word go when butterfly told the kids I was a nudist they just looked at her like err Dur can you explain what that means?
So she did and of coarse it was the expected eww gross freak comments you would expect from kids lol.

Well butterfly has no problem with me being a nudist matter of fact before her and the kids moved in here she would come over about twice a week to clean my house and run around naked and free as she would say.

Now as far as her having the self confidence to go out and meet other nudist(never happen).
She has told me several time if I wanted to go to the resort go ahead and go she has no problem with that.

But as some of you may or may not know single males are not always welcomed as easily as single females are.

OK let me clear a few things up for those that don't know.

A single male is one who comes in alone to the resort. Yes he maybe married on the out side but if he comes to the resort alone he is considered a single and not everyone always welcomes single males.
Now some of this does apply to a females.But not nearly as much. Single females are almost always welcome cause they don't pose a threat.( this coming from others I have spoken to at different resorts)

Hence the one big reason I just sit some times and think of how nice it used to be laying out on the sand wind blowing listening to music playing or chatting with other nudist .

Who knows maybe one day I will just say to hell with whether I am classified as a single or not and go and enjoy the day and see some of my old friends and maybe make some new ones.

Oh well till then any nudist out there who read this if you get out to a resort one day for some sun and fresh air just look up and say hey JB this ones for you as you pour down a nice cold (your choice of drink here).
Okay time for me to put my feet to the payment and get something done today other than day dreaming of days gone past.
Master JB

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I will call this blog "HMM!" where did this come from?

I got up this morning got me a cup of coffee(I am off today and tomorrow) sat down here to catch up on everyone.

To my surprise butterfly has posted a blog that she is a little upset with me. Hmm first I have heard of anything being wrong in a good while now.

Now when we started this blogging stuff I told her write what you want it is your thoughts etc. I have no problem letting people know we are real and that even in M/s relationships little things can and will arise.

But as I sit here I am starting to wonder what is really going on? You mean waking me up in the mornings is really that big of a problem?

I am starting to think I have a very spoiled slave. Yes she is spoiled and I have no one to blame but me. I give her dam near anything she wants with in reason.

But I think it is deeper than that and that is what has me wondering whats going on.And why this was not brought to Me sooner before it got to this point?

Now keep in mind as you read Me and butterfly work two major different kinda jobs. I work retail ten hours a day four days a week( with floating lunches)and (floating days off). She works in a office eight hours a day Monday-Friday(set lunch) with every Saturday and Sunday off.

I go in at eight in the morning and don't get off till seven at night.She goes in at seven gets off at four.

Now by the time she gets off work and get home the kids are home and she has a little time to unwind and relax before I get home.

Ok I walk in the door around seven thirty I see the kids for maybe one hour and they are off to bed. I see butterfly for maybe hour and a half two hours and she is off to bed.

Now when I get home I like to wind down like everyone else by which time it is around midnight.By which time the kids and butterfly have long gone to bed.

Is this the root of the problem?

Is it because she is a spoiled slave?

Is it the odd jobs we have?

Is it the odd hours we work?

The list going on and on but at this point I don't have the answers coming to mind that fit these questions.

She has recently posted a blog about being upset with me over having to wake me up in the mornings and a running joke about coffee in bed in the mornings.

Which is where this blog comes from. I know butterfly well enough to know there is more to this than just being upset that I am a heavy sleeper and don't here the alarm go off.

So once again I ask myself what is really going on here? I have an open door policy that if ever something is bothering you come talk to me lets see what we can do to fix it and keep going forward.

Now granted it maybe nothing but for her to post a blog on my day off saying she is upset with me over something that happened Monday?

I can see clearly something has got way off track here. the real question is what is the something?

But like I have said I am a real person here so even I can make mistakes. Even Masters/Daddy's make mistakes from time to time.

As I come to a close here this morning my thoughts are on have I made a mistake? Or is she just being a spoiled brat? These questions and many more need answers. Hmm!

Have a great day everyone I am off to play electrician lol. (this should be a real shocking good time)
Master JB

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dam I like lazy sundays

Hello to all

Well I don't know if a Master can ask for much more than a nice lazy Sunday morning. I slept in this morning to finally wake up before butterfly did(rare).

I laid there thinking dam I only have one day off this week do I want to roll over and go back to sleep? or play with butterfly while the kids are still sleeping?

Well I rolled over and told butterfly to rub my dick(now keep in mind folks she will do what ever I tell her to while she is asleep and not remember when she wakes up lol).

So she rolls over towards me and starts rubbing my dick and I start playing with her nipples(that's what will wake her up and wake up horny as hell to boot).

Now once she is good and awake she keeps rubbing and starts to beg for me to fuck her.Well with a massive hard on I could see no reason to let her beg too long lol.

So we got right down to some awesome morning sex.After a bit she was once again begging this time to cum so I said yes you can cum and cum all over my dick she did.

Well after she came all over my dick I had one of those thoughts of how nice it would be for her to wear my cum.

So I pulled out and shot cum all over her then took pictures as she lay there smiling.

Well as any smokers know the very best smoke of the day is after sex smoke lol so I lay there letting her clean me up and smoking.

Well she got up to go make coffee and get the day started. I rolled over and got the best dam sleep I have had all week long.(thank you butterfly)

Got up two hours later to have coffee. Oh it was so nice to sit and enjoy my coffee and think about her walking around with my cum marking her.

Well now we are just waiting on the girl child to get home from work then its off to eat Mexican food butterfly has been craving Mexican food for about two weeks now lol.

What she does not know is when we stop at the store for beer and snacks for later tonight. I plan to buy her some new sexy bras and panties then have her model them for me tonight and fuck the living hell out of her again.

As some of you may or may not know she got bad sick then I got bad sick then she got bad sick again. So our sex drive was like minus 10. Well guess what? I am back to norm and so is she so it is time to play catch up on our sex.

Notice I said just sex cause it sure seems hard to catch both the kids out of the house where I can give her a good spanking/beating.(and she and I are both so wanting a session)

It is dam near to the point I am thinking of doing a makeover on the garage so I can occasionally take her out there and tie her up and work her ass over good. We'll see how things go in the near future with that idea???

Well I did not get this blog finished by the time we left today. But as I said we did go out to eat and it was so good. Stoped and got some new things and now it is time to enjoy butterfly again.

Master JB

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

For all who judge so easily

Hello to all
As some of you may or may not know myself and my slave butterfly moved over to blogger from word press.
I did not blog much over there for one reason or another??? but here I would like to start over kinda on a clean slate if you will. But don't worry cause I am fixing to make one hell of a mess starting now lol.

Ok here we go. Folks I don't know where you people get off on trashing folks and the choices they have made or haven't made. I mean really some one tell me how it is that we all share a lifestyle but yet we stand around and fucking judge one another?

Before me and butterfly got together I used to go to a nudist resort(and will again someday)a few of the best things about a resort like this is no one cares what kinda house you live in,what kinda car you drive,how much money you have in the bank, etc. why because it is a lifestyle that we all share together.It is the fellowship of being able to be around other nudist and not be judged.

I get so tired of reading blog comments about what this one is doing is so wrong or not really a lifestyle choice.Once again I ask where do people get off on judging other people for how the choose to live their lives?

When people sit around and wait for a person to fuck up so they can throw the book at them something is bad wrong with this picture.And from what I have seen in the past boy let me tell you there are a few of you out there that are just going nuts about this blog.

Hence the title to this blog *FOR ALL THOSE WHO JUDGE SO EASILY* lets face it we all have judged someone for things they have done or did not do to our liking.( HELL I KNOW I AM GUILTY)

I will be the first to admit it. When me and butterfly stepped into our Master/slave relationship and we and this burning desire to learn everything we could about all of it I would read blog after blog after blog and sit back and say dam that master is out of his fucking mind making his slave sleep on the floor.( I get cold at night and I sure like rubbing up on that nice ass of butterfly's and staying warm) sorry day dreaming.Or making limits on things they can have,or making them ask to go to the restroom.(and to this day I still belive there is a point of over doing things but I don't pass judgement on those who do.)

Folks my point is I think it is some kinda stupid to sit down read a blog and because it bothers you so bad you write back negative things to this person.WHY?
If someone is doing things that bother me I don't just keep coming back and throwing negative comments at them. I simply just don't come back.

It would seem to me as adults we should all be able to realize what I like and what you like may not always be the same.Does this give me the right to judge you? or you to judge me? NO

I am going to do with my slave what I dam well please and your going to do to yours what you dam well please. So why judge people for what they do or don't do?

It is the same way with slaves being all pissy cause there Masters/Daddy's don't let them do what so and so lets his do.Tuff shit get over it period. If a slave is getting more than you get then be happy for her/him your day will come to shine and brag.

Ok folks I will close this blog with some food for thought. We are all here for the same reasons because we all want to share in this wonderful lifestyle we have found.
So why not share our experiances with others and not judge them if it does not fit in our way of thinking and doing?

So before you sit down and read a blog and decide that someone is not a true lifestlyler or not really a slave or a Master/Daddy ask yourself one thing. would I want to be judged on every little thing I choose to do?

To Frank and Brandy I wish you two all the very best in the choices you have made and I will keep reading.And if ever I read something I just cant understand I dam sure will ask you to go into detail so I might get a better understanding about it. But I dam sure wont sit and judge or throw negativity your way.
Master JB