Hello everyone
I read a blog this morning that really did not set well with me.
Let me get right to the point here. I read a blog about this slave who is what I like to call a "weekender" kinda slave. No I am not trying to belittle anyone I realize long distance relationship do exist.
(I am just making the point of if your not 24/7 then how can you advise anyone else who is?)
So when a weekender slave writes a blog more or less telling other slaves that live a 24/7 lifestyle.
That if you struggle with your submission then maybe this lifestyle is not for you?
That if you question your M/s relationship then maybe this lifestyle is not for you?
That if you have anger towards your Master then maybe this lifestyle is not for you?
That if your selfish then maybe this lifestyle is not for you?
That if you have dissatisfaction with your Master then maybe this lifestyle is not for you?
Yes I know she has watched to much Blue Collar Comedy Tour.
Then goes on to make comments like
"Then I see some who question whether they even LIKE being a slave?"
"But when the same girls blog over and over about their problems with slavery, I would think that eventually, they will either decide they ARE or ARE NOT a slave."
" Girls, MAYBE you just like the kink? MAYBE you just like it rough from time to time? MAYBE you are not a slave?"
" And, if you are not, IT’s OKAY. Just figure it out for yourselves and stop being miserable 4 days out of 7."
" It’s my thought that most of these girls would be totally bored with just a regular “Joe blow,” and a few weeks out of their collar would cure them, one way or the other."
"If you are unhappy in your relationship, or if you don’t think it’s for you, get out.
Try that vanilla man across town, you’ll know for sure then, right?"
Hmm! folks that sure puzzles me about how a "TRUE SLAVE" could tell others to just take off your collar and go fuck good Ole Joe across town and see if that cures your problem of submission.
I think maybe this weekend slave should think about what it means to be a slave vs being a vanilla wife/girl friend who gets horny and drives across town to fuck good Ole Joe when her Ole man is out of town.
Most all of the blogs I read the slaves are married to their Masters. My point being that this so called slave is telling others to just go out and throw away everything they have worked for.
Now I don't know how everyone else feels but I don't think fucking the guy or girl across town is going to strengthen your submission to your Master?
I realize we are all different and we are all at different levels in this lifestyle. What I choose to do to my slave,what I allow my slave to do or not do will at times if not always differ from other Masters. I have in the past read and implemented some ideas from other Masters in our day to day relationship as Master/slave.
I have even offered advise to others that is one of the wonderful things about being able to blog with others in this lifestyle.But when a weekend slave starts to sit and judge other slaves and belittle them when she does not even live a 24/7 M/s lifestyle but proclaims she is dam near the perfect slave.
Give me a fucking break I have yet to see a perfect Master or a perfect slave.Why? because we are all human and we all make mistakes. The important thing is we must learn from those mistakes to ever have a chance to achieve being perfect.
These are my thoughts and I stand behind them. Thanks for taking the time to read my Opinions.
Master JB
Surgery Was Successful
4 years ago
Wow. Y'all are taking an awful lot of offense at a simple blog post.
ReplyDeleteI've actually read the post at this point and, honestly, it isn't directed at anyone or any one group. Live in, long distance, cyber, whatever... she never directed her thoughts at any particular group.
Nor were her thoughts that extreme or insulting.
If I read a blog where someone said they hated being a slave, liked being in control and struggled 4 out of 7 days a week...
I'd question if they'd made the right choice, too.
I truly think y'all took some simple thoughts and blew them way out of proportion, taking them as an insult when none was intended.
Sure, 24/7 is totally different than long distance. Sure, this girl might get a rude awakening if she and her man ever get to the live in stage. But I really don't see her trying to insult anyone in particular. Or anyone at all, really.
It's a fact.
If you're miserable, you should evaluate your situation.
And that's how I read the blog. Not that anyone who ever questions is a fake or not good enough or not what they say they are. But that those who constantly question and struggle and hate what they're doing probably shouldn't be doing it. And I agree with that.
I'm completely unsure whey it's insulting at all.
Carrie Ann I wanted to thank you for your comment. I can see we don't see things the same and thats ok. The part that bothered me was that she does not live in 24/7 relationship but yet passes judgment on others who do. As I have stated this is my opinion be it right or be it wrong it is mine.
ReplyDeleteMaster JB
I guess that's where folks really differ.
ReplyDeleteI thought she stated an opinion. Made a few points. She didn't seem to be passing judgment on anyone, much less specifically those who have live in relationships.
She didn't say "you 24/7 people are so stupid and miserable, you don't realize you're not even a slave, you big dummy head!"
On the other hand...
Y'all DID pass judgment on her.
Carrie Ann
ReplyDeleteI did not pass judgment on anyone I stated my opinion on a blog I read.I went on to explain why the blog I read bothered me.I never once said I took it personal or felt it was directed at me. I did say I thought her idea of being a slave puzzled me. I relize there are several M/s relationships which are long distance but I never have heard any of them offering the advise that this one gave.I clearly stated that what I wrote was an opinion and see nothing that was written by me that seems like I was passing judgement.As a matter of fact that was the whole point of my blog was that it seemed to me she was offering bad advise and passing judgement to possible new folks just learning about this lifestyle. Let's face it you have your opionion and I have mine and she has hers. Is anyone of us more right than the other? NO! Point is I wrote about people passing judgment in one of my past blogs and why people feel the need to do it? Once again thank you for your comment even though we dont agree thats ok.
Master JB