Hello everyone
I am so dam sick and tired of hearing all these people BITCHING about our president.(every little thing he does, every little thing he says etc etc)
I mean really folks lets stop and think here just a min.
1. He ran for office and was elected. So what is the big deal?
I did not vote for him and I openly admit it. But he did win the election and like it or not he is my president for the next four years. Like it or not.
2. Is it because he did what ever other one before him has done? (talked a good talk knowing there is no way to keep his election promises?)
I do believe that every last one of them are crooked as a snake. I believe they would lie to your face as well as lie under oath to the people of this great country. With that said he has not done anything any other president has not done to be elected.
3. Or is it the fact that he is black?
Lets just stop and really ask ourselves would it change anything if he was a white man? Oh many will say no no it would be the same. But do you really believe that? (This is for you to decide in your mind.)
4. Could it be that he went on a talk show and made a bad choice of wording something?
Folks I did not see the show but that seems to be all I am hearing about that he made a poor choice of words and refered to special olympics. (NEWS UPDATE - he is a human and humans make mistakes)
I realize there are those of you who do not like having a black man as president of this country.
I am sorry for the fact that your so narrow minded. What will you do when we have a Chinese man running for office? or a Mexican man running for office?
Sure as I have said before I think he lied about as much as bill and Monica did. OK OK maybe not that much but my point is when you got that kinda money and your running for the highest office in this country your going to tell some lies to get there.
Folks my heart goes out to special needs kids it really does. Well before I even had kids I have always put money in the cans at the little stores or stopped in where kids where doing a car wash/bake sale for special olympics and gave money and still do.
Folks I know life is not easy with a child who has special needs. But at the same time stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder waiting on someone to come along and knock it off so you can get pissed off and start jumping up and down.
So what he made a bad choice of words. Do you think he will be the last one to ever do that? would it have made any difference if it would have been Jay Leno who said it?
My point is we all have and will again use/make a bad choice of the way we word something.
What is that elementary saying? Sticks and stones my break my bones but WORDS can never hurt me! Hmm! something to think about if I say so myself.
Master JB
Surgery Was Successful
4 years ago
I agree. We didn't vote for Obama either, but Daddy says that since he's the one who won the election to become our president, we have to throw our support behind him now. I didn't see the interview with the 'special olympics' comment, but I agree, he's human and probably didn't mean it the way it sounded anyway. I wouldn't want his job, to live under a microscope like that where everything you say and do is wrong in someone's eyes - too much pressure for me. lol
ReplyDeleteMaster, You know my opinions on this subject, but I'm gonna comment so everyone can know:
ReplyDeleteI consider myself a conservative Republican. More liberal than my father, but much less liberal than, well, liberals. (The one big huge difference in my beliefs and Republican beliefs is my feeling women should have a right to choose. [And no, I'm hijacking enough of Master's blog, please comment on my page if you have issues with my feelings.]) I've deleted people from my dashboard, I've avoided visiting with my father, because of the hate I'm subjected to when the conversation turns to politics. I'm appalled at the way "good conservative Republicans" are behaving. What? They trashed Bush for years so it's okay for you to behave just as badly?? Bullshit people, grow the fuck up. We're stuck with him for a minimum of four years. Suck it up and behave like grown-ups who deserve the right to vote. Maybe he'll do some good....God knows he cannot do much worse. Do I agree with all his policies? Hell no, but HE IS MY PRESIDENT!! Enough of the hatred people...at least give him a chance. The man is human, he is trying his damnedest to get Americans to join together as a nation. Give him a fucking break!
Hi There,
ReplyDeleteI consider myself a conservative Democrat. I did vote for him and I do think all of the hoopla is ridiculous. I hope that people come to understand that he and the people who support him love this country and want the best for it. He ran, he won and I hope the plans he has and the actions he takes turn this country back on a path to success.
It is exhausting to debate politics all the time and I do have some friends that I have simply had to give up on. Life is too short to fight a completed election over and over and over again. The condition of this country is petrifying. We will only survive if we pull together not push each other further apart. I do not expect everyone to have the same views that I do. I only hope we can respectfully disagree and even then, be Americans before we are enemies.
I would probably never know you or know anything about your life if not for your blogs. So much in this world is based on separating people. But I appreciate that you share your life and your experiences with others and perhaps enable some to learn. I appreciate you and respect your positions.
Thank you,