Hello to everyone
I know it has been a few days since I have sat down to write. Well I been working around the house every time I get a day off. (well trying too) I am doing some remodeling work around the house that might explain why I have not felt like writing.
See this project kinda got put on hold for lack of funds/and just a touch of lazy to go with it lol.
Sorry let me back up just a bit and bring you up to speed. See when I bought this house it was a home that needed a handy man to finish several projects that got started but never finished. So I have been slowly getting some of the smaller projects done.
Well some of the things that where not done when butterfly came into my life was there was no bedroom door on my room the hall way just opened up into my room. Same thing with one of the bedrooms in the back of the house you had to pass through part of the bed room to get to the second bathroom and the other bedroom.
So when I ask butterfly if she wanted to move in with me she brought the kids over to take a look at my home so they could see where it was they would be moving to and kinda give them an idea of how much room they would have.
Well that all went well and we had all these ideas of adding in a wall here and a door there. Making one kids room bigger and adding on so that my other kid would have a room when she comes to stay on the weekends.
Well they got moved in and it took some time for everything to get settled in and everyone to kinda find there spot.
So we where all sitting around one night a few months after they got settled and something started the topic of the noises of our bed. Well right away I told butterfly we have got to build a wall and put in a door to close off our room so that the kids wont hear us.
So the next day I got lumber and a door and I ask the man who I bought the place from if he would help me build the wall and install the door?
Well what should have been about a three hour job it took eight hours and it seemed like anything that could go wrong on this project did.
Well after all was said and done this project kinda left me with a bad taste in my mouth and feeling a little unsure if I was ready to jump on any more big projects.
Well time kinda got away from us again and we thought summer will be here soon enough and that would give us the kinda weather we need to really get stuff done and a chance to save up a little money for the larger projects that we so need done around here.
Well the other day I was off and butterfly sent me a text saying the kids heard us again. I said do what? she said the boy child heard us last night when you where spanking me. I said well it looks like we cant wait till summer to put in his wall and door lol .So the next day off I go to the hardware store to buy lumber and a door so that we can try and muffle some more of the sounds from getting to his room.
OK the wall is built and the door is trimmed down to fit(well almost fit) but of coarse with any older home nothing is ever what it should be so I have to take the door back out side and trim it down just a bit more.
All of this will take place just as soon as it stops raining. LOL we have not had rain in two months not so much as even a grey cloud in the sky lol but you could have bet your ass pocket the day I got started on something it would rain. Lol kinda like that deal where the weather man says no rain for the next seven to ten days so you go wash your car and the next day it rains two inches lmao. Yep that is my luck
OK anyway today I am going to try and get the door trimmed down and put in and if all goes well everything will look good and work properly.
Then I can sit back pat my self on the back for a job well done and think of what to start on next. Or maybe I will think about making a nice wooden paddle out of some of the scrap lumber I have left over. Hmm!
Hope everyone is doing well I will try to do better about posting just as soon as I catch up around here lmao.
Master JB
Surgery Was Successful
4 years ago
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