Hello to all
As some of you may or may not know myself and my slave butterfly moved over to blogger from word press.
I did not blog much over there for one reason or another??? but here I would like to start over kinda on a clean slate if you will. But don't worry cause I am fixing to make one hell of a mess starting now lol.
Ok here we go. Folks I don't know where you people get off on trashing folks and the choices they have made or haven't made. I mean really some one tell me how it is that we all share a lifestyle but yet we stand around and fucking judge one another?
Before me and butterfly got together I used to go to a nudist resort(and will again someday)a few of the best things about a resort like this is no one cares what kinda house you live in,what kinda car you drive,how much money you have in the bank, etc. why because it is a lifestyle that we all share together.It is the fellowship of being able to be around other nudist and not be judged.
I get so tired of reading blog comments about what this one is doing is so wrong or not really a lifestyle choice.Once again I ask where do people get off on judging other people for how the choose to live their lives?
When people sit around and wait for a person to fuck up so they can throw the book at them something is bad wrong with this picture.And from what I have seen in the past boy let me tell you there are a few of you out there that are just going nuts about this blog.
Hence the title to this blog *FOR ALL THOSE WHO JUDGE SO EASILY* lets face it we all have judged someone for things they have done or did not do to our liking.( HELL I KNOW I AM GUILTY)
I will be the first to admit it. When me and butterfly stepped into our Master/slave relationship and we and this burning desire to learn everything we could about all of it I would read blog after blog after blog and sit back and say dam that master is out of his fucking mind making his slave sleep on the floor.( I get cold at night and I sure like rubbing up on that nice ass of butterfly's and staying warm) sorry day dreaming.Or making limits on things they can have,or making them ask to go to the restroom.(and to this day I still belive there is a point of over doing things but I don't pass judgement on those who do.)
Folks my point is I think it is some kinda stupid to sit down read a blog and because it bothers you so bad you write back negative things to this person.WHY?
If someone is doing things that bother me I don't just keep coming back and throwing negative comments at them. I simply just don't come back.
It would seem to me as adults we should all be able to realize what I like and what you like may not always be the same.Does this give me the right to judge you? or you to judge me? NO
I am going to do with my slave what I dam well please and your going to do to yours what you dam well please. So why judge people for what they do or don't do?
It is the same way with slaves being all pissy cause there Masters/Daddy's don't let them do what so and so lets his do.Tuff shit get over it period. If a slave is getting more than you get then be happy for her/him your day will come to shine and brag.
Ok folks I will close this blog with some food for thought. We are all here for the same reasons because we all want to share in this wonderful lifestyle we have found.
So why not share our experiances with others and not judge them if it does not fit in our way of thinking and doing?
So before you sit down and read a blog and decide that someone is not a true lifestlyler or not really a slave or a Master/Daddy ask yourself one thing. would I want to be judged on every little thing I choose to do?
To Frank and Brandy I wish you two all the very best in the choices you have made and I will keep reading.And if ever I read something I just cant understand I dam sure will ask you to go into detail so I might get a better understanding about it. But I dam sure wont sit and judge or throw negativity your way.
Master JB
Surgery Was Successful
4 years ago
Wow, Daddy and I got mentioned in your first post! Woo who!! lol Thank you, this dynamic does feel more natural to both of us even though we've already endured some harsh criticism over it. My personal favorite (sarcasm) was being called an idiot, yeah it could've been worse, but it still felt like a slap and then being told we no longer fit into the BDSM mold. I believe labels are for soup cans, not people and that wherever this invisible BDSM rule book is that we're all suppsed to follow needs to be burned. lol I look forward to reading more of your posts.
ReplyDeleteAwesome blog!!
Love you,
well I am glad you and your Daddy liked my first blog.I just felt like it was something that needed to be repeated as I have read others who feel as we do.I agree who ever has this "BOOK" needs to trash it and reconsider first off we are real people and we will all go at our own pace.
ReplyDeletebutterfly I am thrilled you liked it as well.To hell with anyone elses rules on whats right or wrong.You follow mine and thats good enough for me. Love you more
Master JB