forgive me for any miss spellings I am fucking pissed. Butterfly's step mom had the balls if you will to call her at work and tel her she found the answer to a question she ask two fucking weeks ago.
Yes i am serious as a fucking heart attak. As yall may know it came up during their ladies day out about our girl child being gay this has been known for some time now.
Well it seems that the step mom just cant let it go write it off and learn to deal with it so every chance she gets she makes a stab at butterfly about it.(this has been going on before I came into the picture.)
Anyway two weeks ago they where having lunch and sure as shit step mom brings up the topic of girl child being gay and going to burn in hell yada yada yada.
So very sarcasticly butterfly says ''Do you really think that?'' and ''Just stop right now I don't want to discuss my child and where she will spend eternity".
So she stoped and then ten mins or so later here she comes again talking about it butterfly was fucking pissed.She came home all upset crying litterly made her fucking sick. She was just now getting over all of this and then comes a phone call.
For what ever stupid fucking reason the step mom calls her at work(a place butterfly can not raise her voice or give her real feelings) and says she found out the answer to the question she ask on there last lunchin.
So butterfly not thinking about it ask what was that and OMG here we go again.
The stupid step mom finally says well I was calling to see if you wanted to go to lunch tomrrow but I guess it is a good thing I did not.
WOW what the fuck how in the world did you come up with that idea so fast? I told butterly that woman is fucking EVIL period.
Ok I am off of here so when butterfly gets home I can be calm cool and have a shoulder for her to lean on.
Thank you all who bother to read this. If you dont I would understand.
Master JB
I am really sorry to hear that. It's just terrible when an ignorant/rude person gets under your skin like that.
I'm sorry to hear step mom is still being a cunt and I agree with you when you say she's evil. I know it's hurting Butterfly and affecting her relationship with her dad, but the step mom is just toxic to be around or talk to. I hope all this is somehow resolved soon and you all can get back to peace and having fun. *hugs*
There's a time when we have to stand up to our parents and say "enough is enough". My ex and I had a conversation regarding our son and i asked him straight up one day what he would think if our son came home and pronounced he was gay, his reaction "Even if he is gay, at the end of the day it's sex people have the issue with, it may be not what others consider normal but it's who and how they love that is important not what sex that other person happens to be" ... I was so proud of that answer. It's called acceptance. if someone doesn't respect your partners child be it a parent or a joe bloggs tough nuts they don't have that right to judge. Step back, make boundaries and lay down what is not acceptable to discuss. It's not okay for others to dictate what is wrong and what is right for others according to ones own religious beliefs. being gay does not make you different, only in others who speand far too much time judging instead of living. xxx