Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blog inspired by another blogger I follow

Hello to A/all
I read a blog a day or so ago and can't get it out of my head.

The slave was talking about how hard it is for her to go from being mommy to slave to her Master and back to mommy again.

I sat here and read the blog again trying to find the words I wanted to use to comment on said blog.With little luck on just what I wanted to say without it turning in to a blog on her page I thought hell I will just comment here and share it with everyone.

The slave went on to tell that in order for her Master and her to get some "real" time alone she takes the kids to what I would call a daycare for a few hours a couple times a week. She also talks about how the kids are crying and throwing a fit cause well they are just kids and that's what kids do. She was saying that even with the kids in daycare for the few hours that once back home she still felt bad or like she was doing wrong by them.(or that is the way I took it)

Any way said slave went on to say she still felt like she was letting her Master down in someways and He reassured her she was doing fine and nothing was wrong.

OK with the jest of the blog explained.This got me to thinking and seeing just how much this slave and her Master are just the same as us.Now this came as no surprise to me but it may to some?But as I sat here and read this blog I slowed down to see that if I took and changed the names and the age of the kids a bit. this could have been a blog butterfly could have written.

We also have kids in the home and yes there are times when we just go bananas for them to leave and go to the mall or go to a friends house dam just go some where other than your rooms where we still cant make any noise.

My point is I understand the stress my slave is under cause she has to be mom to the kids and a slave to me as well as up hold the image to the kids that we are just normal vanilla parents.(even though I think they know better just not what level our dynamic is)

I read a lot more than some and way less than others. But when I see blogs where all is happy happy all the time I try and figure out if these couples have kids? how old are they? what they do for a living? not that any of the above would change my view of them or make me pass judgment on them. But more as a curiosity I would say.

I have also read blogs where the couples are way more "hard core" and those are interesting to me as well. I have a very broad taste of things when it comes to the BDSM lifestyle. But I also know at this point and time that with kids at home we cant explore all the things we would like to explore.

So we enjoy what we can when we can and keep our dynamic some what low key but well above vanilla in my opinion. As time goes on I will continue to add rules for butterfly to follow that can be worked in around a home life with children in the home.

As the kids leave home and are out on their own then we can sit down and discuss raising our dynamic to a higher level.

We have only been in the lifestyle a couple of years now and have much to learn yet.But I remember when we first started on our journey all of it was a little intimidating right at first and even now at times things can seem to kinda knock you off balance if your not watching for it.

I think that we all have a desire for this type of lifestyle or we would not be here sharing our ups and downs with each other. But one thing we must not loose focus of is everyday life has to come before our lifestyle choices whether it be kids,family,work etc. don't let it get you down.

In the world we live in all is not perfect nor will it ever be. As our relationships may never be as perfect as the next couples seems to be. But remember to just do the best you can and that everyone has ups and Downs no matter how long they have been in the lifestyle.
Master JB


  1. thank you so much for writing this, it helps me so much to know that I'm not alone with how I feel. *hugs*

  2. Rose
    Your welcome and glad I could help.I hope that others can find something in this blog that might help them as well.
    Master JB

  3. Glad to see you are back to blogging a bit. After reading, I once again am so grateful that our kiddos are out of the house and on their own. I love them, but thankful to have privacy again.

  4. It is hard to be in the lifestyle and be a mom. I've got two kids and it's been very challenging for me to find time to play or even find time to be a slave. I've written a few blog posts recently about having a teen. I've found it a lot harder as they have gotten older. I have to admit that I've also wondered about a few bloggers who have kids yet seem to be all happy all the time and have a lot of time for playing. I much prefer to read blogs that are more real and talk about the realities of being a mom or parent and also being in the lifestyle.
    Great post!
