Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blog inspired by another blogger I follow

Hello to A/all
I read a blog a day or so ago and can't get it out of my head.

The slave was talking about how hard it is for her to go from being mommy to slave to her Master and back to mommy again.

I sat here and read the blog again trying to find the words I wanted to use to comment on said blog.With little luck on just what I wanted to say without it turning in to a blog on her page I thought hell I will just comment here and share it with everyone.

The slave went on to tell that in order for her Master and her to get some "real" time alone she takes the kids to what I would call a daycare for a few hours a couple times a week. She also talks about how the kids are crying and throwing a fit cause well they are just kids and that's what kids do. She was saying that even with the kids in daycare for the few hours that once back home she still felt bad or like she was doing wrong by them.(or that is the way I took it)

Any way said slave went on to say she still felt like she was letting her Master down in someways and He reassured her she was doing fine and nothing was wrong.

OK with the jest of the blog explained.This got me to thinking and seeing just how much this slave and her Master are just the same as us.Now this came as no surprise to me but it may to some?But as I sat here and read this blog I slowed down to see that if I took and changed the names and the age of the kids a bit. this could have been a blog butterfly could have written.

We also have kids in the home and yes there are times when we just go bananas for them to leave and go to the mall or go to a friends house dam just go some where other than your rooms where we still cant make any noise.

My point is I understand the stress my slave is under cause she has to be mom to the kids and a slave to me as well as up hold the image to the kids that we are just normal vanilla parents.(even though I think they know better just not what level our dynamic is)

I read a lot more than some and way less than others. But when I see blogs where all is happy happy all the time I try and figure out if these couples have kids? how old are they? what they do for a living? not that any of the above would change my view of them or make me pass judgment on them. But more as a curiosity I would say.

I have also read blogs where the couples are way more "hard core" and those are interesting to me as well. I have a very broad taste of things when it comes to the BDSM lifestyle. But I also know at this point and time that with kids at home we cant explore all the things we would like to explore.

So we enjoy what we can when we can and keep our dynamic some what low key but well above vanilla in my opinion. As time goes on I will continue to add rules for butterfly to follow that can be worked in around a home life with children in the home.

As the kids leave home and are out on their own then we can sit down and discuss raising our dynamic to a higher level.

We have only been in the lifestyle a couple of years now and have much to learn yet.But I remember when we first started on our journey all of it was a little intimidating right at first and even now at times things can seem to kinda knock you off balance if your not watching for it.

I think that we all have a desire for this type of lifestyle or we would not be here sharing our ups and downs with each other. But one thing we must not loose focus of is everyday life has to come before our lifestyle choices whether it be kids,family,work etc. don't let it get you down.

In the world we live in all is not perfect nor will it ever be. As our relationships may never be as perfect as the next couples seems to be. But remember to just do the best you can and that everyone has ups and Downs no matter how long they have been in the lifestyle.
Master JB

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ever had one of these days? (LOL)

Hello to all
Well it has been a few weeks since I have posted so I thought today would be a good day to catch everyone up and give you some good laughs.I mean really who ever said BDSM relationships cant be funny once in awhile? So enjoy a few laughs here today.

As some of you may or may not know Me and butterfly went on vacation to see her folks who live out of state. All I can say is wow I never knew how much different folks up north live their day to day lives compared to folks down south.

We had a wonderful time even with the weather not being so great and the fact that this time of year a lot of things are not open to go and see. But we went to see her folks and just getting to see a different part of the country was a real treat all by it's self.

So right before we left to go out of state we find out the ac is out in butterfly's car and will have to go in the shop as soon as we get back.Lucky for us the weather was great going and coming.

OK we are back and she calls and gets a time to bring it in and we go drop it off and to our hide away we go.Now if you don't know about our hide away let me fill you in. We have this little Mexican food place we slip off to and have a few beers,some dam good salsa, and chips and yes they even have a smoking section.

So with the car in the shop a few beers later we are now ready to tackle the weekend which means going to see my folks then going to see her folks who live down here and then sit and wait for Monday to get here where we can have the house all to our self.

OK sorry let me back up just a bit with our folks happy that we have been and gone. All we have to do now is wait on Monday cause the boy will be in school till three the girl will be at work till whenever(I am thinking two maybe three). Which means we get the house to our self FINALLY.

Well the morning starts off really good butterfly is up drinking coffee trying so hard to catch up on all the blogs she follows I get up and have coffee and start in trying to catch up as well.

Then we get to talking about this one and that one and some of the different dynamics of how things work so well for some not so good for others but yet we all seem to have one common thing that brings us all together.(BDSM lifestyle)

Now all of this talk got me to thinking butterfly is about due for a maintenance spanking.So off we go to the bed room where I no sooner got started and would you believe in walks the girl child from work lol.(talk about timing)

Yes the girl child has got a new job and today was her first day and the manager did not have everything right in the system so she got sent home early. So needless to say everything came to a stop. Well everything but waiting on the shop to call and say the car is ready to be picked up.

So we came back into the living room to chat with the girl child and start back reading again. Well just shortly after that in comes the boy child and we chat for a bit with him.

So the call is made and the car is ready and off we go.As we are headed toward town I start thinking dam our hide out is only blocks away from where we have to pick up the car and it is happy hour(can't beat half price beer).

We enjoy a few beers and decide to head home as butterfly has to get the boy child back up to the school so he can do his band stuff. Now we pull in and the girl child is not home and my mind goes to turning thinking just how fast can you drop him off? and how long till the girl child gets back?

Well off butterfly goes to drop the boy off and yep you guessed it. Again walks in the girl child(she had been out shopping) Ok so ten mins later in walks butterfly and we both just kinda look at one another and grin.(by this time my balls are killing me)

So with the girl child in the room and unable to speak freely as we had been doing all day I got the idea I would text. ( we often text each other when we are just sitting across the room from each other to keep our stuff private)

I said girl my balls are killing me and you still need to get your spanking for this week finished.She quickly wrote back and said yes but the girl child will hear us but I can take care of your other needs. Once in the bedroom butterfly worked her magic and relief was once again. (I swear that girl could suck a baseball through a fifty foot water hose)

Now if you needed a good laugh and you read this then you should have got one or two lol.Just think this is just one day a brief look into our lives and how fast it can turn from excellent timing to oh man where did the time go?

I just want to say it is good to be Back in the great state of Texas and it is truly great to be able to sit in our home live the lifestyle we choose to live and have you all that allow us to look at brief moments of your lives through your blogs.

A special THANK YOU to all the men and women who are fighting to keep this country free. THANK YOU
Master JB

Friday, February 19, 2010

When is it time to say enough is enough?

Hello to all.
Where to start where to end and what do I put in the middle for any of this to make any dam sense? With that said I will try to explain my current mood that seems to be making me really cranky here the last few days.

We have two kids who still live at home.(enough said right lol) No really one is still in school and doing good and has a real game plan for life. Now the other one who is now out of school and now has a steady job has NO FUCKING IDEA what real life is all about.

It just makes me boil on the inside at how clueless this kid is and how she wants everyone to feel sorry for her or rather do everything for her.

I am tired of seeing butterfly stressed out over the fact this kid has no desire to make a honest effort to find her own place and stand on her own two feet.

It has got to the point to where I don't feel we are getting to live our life as we want to live it. I know we still have another year of the boy child in school and that is not a issue. But with the girl child working shift work (mostly nights) she comes in when butterfly is leaving out so she is here sleeping during the day when butterfly comes home for lunch(which use to be ''our play time'')

I know none of this makes any sense to you who read it cause you're not here.But this is being written to kinda explain to butterfly why I have been in such a cranky mood lately and to kinda let her know I understand what she is trying to say when she just can't get the words to come out right. We both want the best for the kids but we want our lives back as well.

As I see it things will not get any better till one or both of us say ok enough is enough. No more doing your laundry,no more leaving your clothes all over the living room, no more just dirty up what you will and not be willing to give up some of your free time to help clean house.

Enough is enough I take full blame that I have let things get way out of hand around here.I should have stayed on her ass from day one to keep stuff where it belongs in stead of waiting for butterfly to pop a fuse and then watch the girl child hurry up and do just enough to get butterfly to cool down. I want to say for this I apologize.

I am taking a stand as of today if she does not want to play by the rules of this house then she needs to wake up grow up and start looking for a place to rent.I see no reason that this should upset butterfly and if it does I hope she feels free to come and talk to me. So that together we can come up with a plan of action. But enough is enough I don't think the little bit of so said rent gives the girl child the right to stop doing things around here.
Master JB