Hello everyone
I just had this random blog pop in my head while chatting with buttterfly through yahoo messenger.(she is at work and I am on anouther boring COLD day off)
OK We where chatting about we need to win the lotto. I said yes we do and if I ever did I would buy the local nudist resort.Her reply was oh so we can live apart again? I replied no I would just buy her plenty of sun screen lol.
I for a moment tried to explain the freedom that comes from being a nudist. How it makes you feel so much more down to earth and free of the daily "MASKS"(got that from kittens blog) we all have to paint on to deal with others.
Now I got in to that lifestyle about nine years ago give or take one or two lol. I have not been to the resort in over two years I can think of due to the rising cost of membership.
So one day me and my ex was siting and talking about what it would cost to put up a privacy fence in the back yard.Well I jumped on that idea with both feet. I mean really I could set up a swimming pool have all the sun I could stand with a cooler and my stereo have over our other nudist friends for some cook outs.
Well off we went to the local lumber yard to get prices on post, two by fours, fence pickets, etc.
See the whole idea was to see if we could build this fence for what a one year membership would cost us.As well as being able to enjoy it year around weather permitting.
Well it just so happened that the lumber store had the fence pickets on sale(like half price don't remember) so this allowed me to get even more than we first thought.
So now we are off and building and dam did it turn out nice. It was everything i had wanted it to be. My own private min nudist resort in the making.(I have a half acre yard)
Well time went on and we did enjoy several good days of sun and relaxing times.
But some how we never got around to adding all the extra things we wanted to. Like the wet bar,pool,hot tub,etc.
You see we split up and she moved out and moved on.(I am truly happy for her and hope that life can someday work out for her)(that is another story someday)
Well time rocked on and I still lived here alone(well with my dog) so I was still able to enjoy my freedom of being a nudist.
Well then one day I started chatting with this lady and finally got to meet her. Wow she was everything a man could ask for in a woman.(butterfly)
Well we dated for some time me living here and her living with her two kids across town. well with things like it was I still had the opportunity to sun bath on my days off and enjoy being one with nature.
Well there finally came a point and time that we both got tired of only getting to see each other for an hour or so at a time or sometimes three hours at a time on my days off.
So her and the kids moved in with me. Now after about eight months now things have finally some what settled down and all is going good.Except for one thing IT IS WINTER TIME and way too dam cold to sun bath.
Well from the word go when butterfly told the kids I was a nudist they just looked at her like err Dur can you explain what that means?
So she did and of coarse it was the expected eww gross freak comments you would expect from kids lol.
Well butterfly has no problem with me being a nudist matter of fact before her and the kids moved in here she would come over about twice a week to clean my house and run around naked and free as she would say.
Now as far as her having the self confidence to go out and meet other nudist(never happen).
She has told me several time if I wanted to go to the resort go ahead and go she has no problem with that.
But as some of you may or may not know single males are not always welcomed as easily as single females are.
OK let me clear a few things up for those that don't know.
A single male is one who comes in alone to the resort. Yes he maybe married on the out side but if he comes to the resort alone he is considered a single and not everyone always welcomes single males.
Now some of this does apply to a females.But not nearly as much. Single females are almost always welcome cause they don't pose a threat.( this coming from others I have spoken to at different resorts)
Hence the one big reason I just sit some times and think of how nice it used to be laying out on the sand wind blowing listening to music playing or chatting with other nudist .
Who knows maybe one day I will just say to hell with whether I am classified as a single or not and go and enjoy the day and see some of my old friends and maybe make some new ones.
Oh well till then any nudist out there who read this if you get out to a resort one day for some sun and fresh air just look up and say hey JB this ones for you as you pour down a nice cold (your choice of drink here).
Okay time for me to put my feet to the payment and get something done today other than day dreaming of days gone past.
Master JB
Surgery Was Successful
4 years ago